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Mensagens: 313

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Command Ajuda do chat:
/away Sets user as away. Typing this command again sets user as "here".
/here Sets user as here. This reverses the "away" and "busy" states.
/busy Sets user as busy. Typing this command again sets user as "here".
/back ## Shows the last ## entries of the room's chat, including any chat text that was present before arrival to the room.
/backtime ## Shows the last ## minutes of the room's chat, including any chat text that was present before arrival to the room.
/clear Clears the chat screen. This only affects your screen, not the screen of other users.
/me <action> Issues an IRC-like "action" to the chat. "/me" will be changed to your user name, and the text in <action> will appear as a system message. For example: "/me is thinking" would translate to "Joe is thinking".
/join <room> Switches the user to <room>. For example: "/join The Lounge"
/part Logout of the chat.
/quit Logout of the chat.
/logout Logout of the chat.
/version Shows which version of the chat you are using.
/invite <user> Invites "user" to the room that you are currently in.
/ignore <user> Ignore "user".
/broadcast <msg> Only available to moderators. This broadcasts a message to all users in all rooms. For example, "/broadcast Hello everyone!"
/kick <user> Only available to moderators. This kicks "user" from the room.
/boot <user> Same as /kick.
/ban <user> Only available to moderators. Bans "user" from the chat.
/banip <user> Only available to moderators. Bans the IP address of the user from all chat activity.
/gagX <user> Only available to moderators. Gags the user for X minutes. For example, /gag5 joe. If the user's name has more than one word, then it must be enclosed with quotes. For example: /gag5 "Joe Shmoe"
/alert <user> <msg> Only available to moderators. Sends a popup alert to the user. If the user's name has more than one word, then it must be enclosed with quotes.
/roomalert <msg> Same as /alert, but sends the message to all users in the room.
/chatalert <msg> Same as /alert, but sends the message to all users in all rooms.